Saturday, December 19, 2009

Its beginning to feel a lot like..

COLD!! Like seriously cold. It has been colder than normal, even already snowing some. Not too much has happened over the last couple of weeks. My Aussie friend who is touring has been in and out of town. Work is, well work.

I have been down to Canterbury a few times for a client. Its a nice, medieval city. Massive cathedral, interesting architecture, and you can actually really feel like you are in the middle of Chaucer's world sometimes.

But the amount of Christmas lights and decorations up in London is almost staggering. Just about every large street and every store front has something up. And not just a few decorations, but lights that stretch across the streets. Also the number of people out, especially on Oxford St (where all the big shops are, and where I live) is ludicrous. There are people everywhere at all hours!

There are also loads of ice rinks all over the city. Not that I can ice skate, but it is a little odd to see the rinks put up all over the place. Even just walking around you can run into all sorts of random things. There were some real reindeer in Covent Garden as well as an organised Santa Pub crawl. Everyone was dressed as santas and went to 5 or 6 pubs for a drink. Trust me, it doesn't sound anywhere near as funny as it was watching them walk around!

On a side note - I am looking into trips for after this contract is up... My most amditious plan involves Spain (Las Fallas festival), Morocco and Africa... We'll see!

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