Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 52 - 56 (May 6 - 10) – Back in London

Day 52 - 56 (May 6 - 10) – Back in London
So I got back to London at about 6 am… It’s cold. Really cold. Oh well, its London. Over the next few days I didn’t do too much. I repacked my bags and got a few other admin type things done. I am lucky enough to have a friend I can crash with so that made things easier. I tried to meetup with a few people from work, but given the nature of our work (always out of town or travelling) that was near impossible.

I did manage to catch up with one friend, Heather and her boyfriend James. She and I started work in London the same day, both form a US office. On Saturday, they and some of their friends were out on a Monopoly pub crawl. Its way easier than it sounds (you can actually download directions from the internet). The English Monopoly board is made up of streets in London, if you can imagine that there is a pub associated (its London, there is usually more than one to choose from) with each one, and you go around to each one and half a half pint. Yup each one. That’s like 26 half pints or for those of you good at math, 13 pints (English ones ar slightly bigger than US so be even more scared). Fortunately my friends had no intention of doing the whole crawl, neither did I. I met them for about 6 stops and then made my exit.

On Monday the 10th, with help from my gracious hosts, I made my way to Heathrow once again and boarded yet another long, intercontinental flight!! Viva el viaje y viajeros!

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