Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Springtime is here... and its hailing?!?

So what can I say... spring has supposedly started since the vernal equinox was last week. But I don't get it, spring starts one weekend and then its hailing the next... Got to love spring in England.

But to ring in Spring I figured I'd shave. Yup, beard is gone... sad I know, but after 3 months, seemed about time.

Its been a bit of a mission to watch the NCAA over here. Not surprisingly, no one really cares about it here. So every conversation you have to explain college sports, the NCAA and why the NBA sucks. Thankfully UNC has held true so far to their billing and won on into the Final Four. While I have been able to watch the other games at home or via the internet, this weekend will be harder. I am moving Saturday and won't have the channel that shows the game any more. So I will ahve to try and get it over the web, but am not sure that I will have access right off. Good thing the office is 15 minute walk and no one will be there at 1 am (so I can bring some drinks in).

In other news, I have planned my next vacation - to Brugge (Bruges) in Belguim. DOn't ask why there is no real reason. It was a short tour offered by a backpacker company. And since the options to fly to the south of France or Spain were way more expensive... Brugge won. It is supposed to be home to some fantasically good beer. So I got that going for me.

Ahhh the G20 summit is in town tomorrow... There are all kinds of warnings about the protesters. Bankers have been told not to go into work if they don't have to, or to not wear suits to work so that they can't be targeted... seriously, think if they did that in New York, then add in the English sentiment and attitude... could be funny. thankfully this did mean that i get to stay home and work. HAHA.

Otherwise its about same old same old... work, going out, rain, rain, grey skies...

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